Everything You Need to Know to
Master Mocking for Better Web Application Testing with Vitest

Testing can feel like a never-ending battle.

You pour time and effort into writing tests, only to be left with a brittle, unreliable test suite that fails unexpectedly and makes refactoring a nightmare. You're left questioning the value of your tests and wondering if there's a better way.

Sound familiar?

You're not alone.

Many developers struggle with:

    • Understanding what and how to mock effectively
    • Writing tests that are resilient to changes in implementation details
    • Maintaining tests that provide real value and confidence in the codebase
    • Keeping up with the latest testing techniques and best practices

It's no wonder testing often feels like a frustrating chore rather than a valuable tool.

Imagine a World Where Testing Is Your Superpower

What if instead of dreading testing, you looked forward to it?

Imagine writing tests that:

    • Give you peace of mind, knowing your code won't break things in unexpected ways
    • Catch bugs before they become critical issues
    • Make refactoring stress-free
    • Act as a guide for how your code should behave
    • Encourage cleaner, simpler code by making you think through edge cases from the start
    • Help you sleep better at night

In this world, testing is a superpower that lets you ship high-quality TypeScript code with speed and confidence.

Transforming your testing from a painful chore to a powerful tool doesn't have to be a dream.

Mocking Techniques in Vitest Bundle is designed to help you bridge the gap between your current struggles and the ideal testing scenario. In these hands-on workshops, you'll dive deep into testing fundamentals, explore advanced techniques, and gain practical experience through real-world examples and exercises. You'll learn how to write tests that are readable, maintainable, and provide maximum value and confidence in your codebase.

Artem Zakharchenko

Your Instructor

Hi! My name is Artem, and I love automated testing. So much so that I’ve built open-source software to promote the testing practices I believe in that’s now used in Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix, and by hundreds of thousands of developers out there.

But it wasn’t always like that. I used to be afraid of testing. I didn’t know if the tests I was writing made any sense. Until pattern after pattern, concept after concept, things “clicked”. Almost a decade later, I am here to make testing click for you.

I am honored to be your guide in the vast land of automated testing. Let’s go!

What's Included

  • Testing Fundamentals

    Testing Fundamentals

    6 Sections, 21 Exercises

    • Principles and mental models underlying testing strategies
    • Distinguish between code intention and implementation details
    • Write tests that are resilient to change
    • Deep dive into testing framework structure
    • Create your own expect and test functions
    • Configure test environments
    • Practice testing asynchronous code, including promises and async functions
    • Handle errors and rejections in asynchronous tests
    • Migrate tests to the Vitest framework
    • Cement understanding of both the 'hows' and 'whys' of testing
    Learn more
  • Mocking Techniques in Vitest

    Mocking Techniques in Vitest

    8 Sections, 31 Exercises

    • What is a mock when would you need one
    • How to create mocks that last
    • Techniques on mocking functions, date and time, globals, networks, and also modules in TypeScript
    • Using mocks as a tool to narrow or expand the scope of your tests
    • Type safety tips for mocks
    • Alternative approaches to different mocking strategies
    Learn more

A New Kind of Workshop

The Epic Web experience isn't sitting and watching videos.

Each workshop is contained within a specially designed web app that contains all of the exercises, code, and instructions you need to complete the workshop. The app is tightly integrated with your local development environment, so you can code and test your work in real time, in your real world work environment.

If you ever find yourself getting stuck, you have easy access to resources and diffs to help you get back on track. You'll also be invited to join the Epic Web community, where you can ask questions, share your progress, and even find a cohort to work through the workshop with.

After completing a workshop module, you'll be able to download a certificate of completion. Each certificate is served with a mechanism that proves to your team, your manager, or your future employer that you actually did the work. Share it with pride. You earned it.

  • Rising Full-Stack Devs: Get the foundations right.
  • Veteran Coders: Fill in the knowledge gaps you didn't know you had.

What Other Developers are Saying

I have been programming for a long time, but have never learned as much about testing as I have from you. Now that I am leading a big org, with enterprise software, it helps sleeping easier.

Robin RumpRobin Rump

The Testing Fundamentals workshop has completely changed my mind about testing async code. I always found it pretty hard to test and these exercises made it easy.

Workshop Atendee

Master Mocking for Better Web Applications using Vitest

Learn from the creator and maintainer of Mock Service Worker, Artem Zakharchenko.

Mocking Techniques in Vitest Bundle

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  • Testing Fundamentals

  • Mocking Techniques in Vitest

  • 2 Self-Paced Workshop

  • Lifetime Access

  • Customizable invoice

  • Streaming 4K Video

  • 52 Interactive Exercises

  • English Transcripts & Subtitles

  • Progress Tracking

  • Completion Certificate

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