Current section: Connection Management 4 exercises

Dad Joke Break Connection

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00:00 They're making a movie about clocks. It's about time. Ha ha, there you go. That one's a pretty good chuckle. So, how are you doing? Are you doing okay? I hope you're doing awesome. I hope that you're having a really good time learning all of this stuff. There's a lot to it and a lot to learn

00:16 and what I'm going for is really deep understanding. And so, the cool thing about this is you can go through this material again later and give it a little bit of time to percolate and then come on back and learn some more. I think that this is important stuff

00:33 for us to understand as full stack web engineers or developers and the more time that you spend doing this stuff, the more it'll click. So, keep on working on it. You're doing great and go ahead and take a break now and come on back when you're ready.