Current section: Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 5 exercises

Dad Joke Break Enable Two-Factor Authentication

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00:00 Wanted to be a tailor, but I didn't suit the job. Ha ha ha I actually I'm so relieved that I don't have to wear a suit to work There was a time in my life that I did and there was a job that I had Where I had to wear a full-on like shirt and tie full-on suit had a couple jobs like that actually

00:20 Not not my favorite thing for sure. My dad was a CPA So he wore a suit every day to work That is not the life that I want to live if that's what you enjoy then I'm glad for you But I do not I wear a suit one time a week to church and then occasionally other times and that is plenty for me

00:38 Anyway, now's a good time for you to get up and walk around and you know, or wheel around or whatever You're physically able to do to get your blood moving so that your brain gets the blood that it needs so that you can learn Make sure that you're writing down the stuff that you're learning too because that's important for your learning also and yeah

00:57 Don't forget to take a drink. I'm gonna do that right now And then come on back because I've got more to teach you