Current section: Outro to Authentication Strategies & Implementation 1 exercises

Outro to Authentication Strategies & Implementation Workshop

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00:00 You, you should be so proud of yourself right now. You've done an amazing thing. We've done so much stuff as a part of this entire exercise and this series of exercises. So many things we've learned through the many, many exercise.

00:18 I think there's over like 120 instances of the app in this workshop. So yeah, just a ridiculously huge workshop and you've done an amazing job. So well done to you. I'm so excited that you've joined me on this journey. Definitely, this is a good time to go and splurge,

00:37 maybe get an ice cream cone with a special someone or something because you've done a great job and this hopefully will be able to help you accomplish whatever goals that you have in building epic web applications that involve authentication. So good job, bravo to you and yeah, have a good one.