Current section: Permissions 6 exercises

Dad Joke Break Permissions

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00:00 Where'd you learn to make ice cream? Sunday school! Ha ha! I actually just had a sundae with my kids the other day. Sundaes are delicious. So, well done on that exercise. That is a lot of work to get through all this stuff. You're doing excellent. I want you to keep going, but you need to take breaks,

00:17 because if you don't take breaks, then your brain will explode, and you won't remember anything. So, taking breaks is actually very much an important part of the learning process, and so that's why I have these videos, so that I can kind of force you to take breaks. So, take your break, and go get a drink, go to the bathroom, go eat lunch, whatever,

00:35 and then come on back, because we're not done.