Current section: Reset Password 4 exercises

Dad Joke Break Reset Pass

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00:00 I made a belt out of watches once. It was a waste of time. Alright, so now's a good time for you to get up and stretch and walk around or whatever you're gonna do to get some blood flowing in your body because that's important for these brains.

00:16 One day maybe we will all be a part of the Borg and you won't need to relax or rest or anything like that. But right now, actually they did, they were constantly charging or whatever. But for right now, before we end up in the multiverse or the metaverse or whatever, our bodies need

00:33 some exercise and movement. So you're going to do that right now and then you're going to come back when you're all rested and relaxed so that we can keep on going in these exercises. Good job.