Current section: Query Optimization 4 exercises

Dad Joke Break Query Optimization


00:00 What did the doctor say to the gingerbread man who broke his leg? Try icing it. Ha ha ha ha Actually, I'm kind of could go for a gingerbread man with icing on after that exercise So now is a great time to get up and take a break and make sure you write down the stuff that you learned

00:17 So that doesn't just like fall right out of your head because that does happen. So you do need to Find some mechanism for solidifying the things in your mind that you are learning So, yeah writing it down writing a blog post giving a talk all of those things can really help solidify some of this stuff in your mind

00:35 Hopefully you learned something that's really helpful for whatever it is that you're trying to accomplish in your work And yeah, good job. You should pat yourself on the back and go give somebody a high-five