Current section: Querying Data 5 exercises

Dad Joke Break Querying Data


00:00 Why do we tell actors to break a leg? Because every play has a cast! Yeah, that definitely qualifies as a dad joke. There you go. So, well done on that exercise. This is a lot of work and so you need to take a lot of breaks. Your brain needs it. Learning is hard.

00:19 If it's not hard or somebody tells you it's not hard, they are misleading you because it is absolutely a lot of work. And so you've got to stop, take breaks, write down notes, go give somebody a high five, whatever, and then you can come back and get on to it. You definitely should be taking extended breaks between

00:38 a bunch of exercises. So if you're feeling like, oh I need to move on, that is totally good. Close the laptop, go off and do something for a day or two and then come back and refresh yourself. And you can go through all this material as many times as you like anyway. So yeah, have a good time with your break and

00:56 we'll see you when you come back!