Current section: Seeding Data 4 exercises

Dad Joke Break Seeding Data


00:00 Dad, I'm cold. Go stand in the corner. I hear it's 90 degrees Haha, that's uh, yeah that I've never actually heard that one before that one was pretty pretty good. All right, let's take a break Let's get up. Let's walk around go high-five. Somebody tell somebody that they're awesome and and why something specific not generic You're awesome

00:20 but like give them a Genuine compliment and then you will feel better and they will feel better and everybody like if we all did that then like the world Would be such a nice place. So go give somebody a compliment You can tweet it at them if you're like alone at home or or text them You know what? that's that's even better like give somebody a phone call and

00:39 like say I'm talking to you and I'm gonna tell you this amazing thing about you that I like and I appreciate and then hang up and Whatever you want to do Just lighten somebody's day a little bit. That would be a nice thing. So I hope that you've been having an awesome time Let's take a break and let's get right back to it when you're done