Current section: Outro 1 exercises

Outro to Full Stack Foundations Workshop


00:00 Awesome job. You should feel so proud of yourself for finishing this first workshop of epic web dev There's a lot of stuff we did in here And I think that you have every right to feel like you've really accomplished something here I hope that you take the things that you learned in this workshop today and apply it to what you're doing in

00:19 Whatever work that you're doing whether it's side projects or projects at work the things that we learned today are certainly tied to remix in many ways and tailwind and The other tools that we used but absolutely can be applied outside of those contexts as well So well done have a good time with all this knowledge and definitely put it into practice

00:40 So you can remember it take some notes and and maybe write a blog post about what you've learned so that you can kind of Solidify in your mind the things that you learned even give a meetup or a conference talk that's a great way to solidify what you've learned and share your learnings with others and Yeah, I just feel like you should be really proud of yourself good job