00:00 Writing raw CSS is perfectly fine, but there are some differences between browsers and there are a couple of new features that you may want to use and have those features be automatically rewritten for you to support older browsers, things like that. That's where tools like PostCSS come in really handy.
00:19 The ability to automatically transform the CSS code that you write into something that all your browsers can actually evaluate can be quite helpful. On top of that, Tailwind CSS is another fabulous tool for writing really great wonderful layouts
00:36 and UI design experiences on the web. I personally love it, and so we're going to be using that for our application as well. Luckily, Remix actually has built-in support for these tools, and so we're going to be utilizing some of that built-in support as we work through this exercise.
00:56 We're going to have you do a little bit of configuration. I want you to know where those files go and what types of things go into those files. But you don't have to dive super deep into the actual configuration of each one of these tools, in part because Remix has built-in support, and also because a lot of
01:13 the specific configuration is going to vary depending on your particular needs and wants in your own application. But this is going to be a pretty good exercise for you to get a handle on configuring these two tools, and then using the style sheet that's
01:30 generated for you in your application. Have a good time with that, and we'll see you at the solution.