Current section: Art Directed Grid 4 exercises

Pixel Perfect Grid Completed

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00:00 I love this part of a design implementation when you start getting confused whether you're looking at the design or the implementation in code. And that right here does it to me. I can't tell for sure this is the code, but it actually is the code. This is the browser and this is what the

00:16 design looks like. So you know what? We're going to do another of these screenshot overlay tests now for this desktop screen size. Let me just make sure that the interface scale is set to default 100% and I will do the same for the browser. I'm going to put the cursor on the Tailwind logo

00:34 because why not? We're going to take a screenshot of the whole thing and in the browser we'll open perfect pixel chrome extension and drop that image that we have just taken. I am not tricking you,

00:48 this is the photo we've literally just taken in Figma. And so let's try overlay over the design and see how close we are. Oh my goodness, the answer is we are very very close. We are actually pixel

01:07 perfect. Look at this. Well done! That said, we still have a lot more to do so please get up, go take a break, drink some water and I will see you in the next section.