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Pixel Perfect Tailwind Workshop Outro

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00:00 Let's go! You have done it. You have completed the Pixel Perfect Tailwind workshop. How does that feel? Honestly, you should be pretty proud. That was a lot of work. And I hope that you walk away with new skills and a deeper understanding of what it takes

00:16 to do high-precision Figma to Tailwind CSS conversions. The next time you're tasked with converting a design to Tailwind, you should be able to go through the exact same process, do multiple passes from mobile to desktop, each time focusing on something different to make sure nothing goes through the cracks and end up with a really high-quality result.

00:35 I promise you that if you do this well, you will become your designer's favorite dev. As a result, you might become more involved in the design discovery process, if you wish so. And this will definitely open new doors for your career and your personal journey into the world of web development. I hope you had fun. I most definitely did, behind the camera and the screen.

00:54 Once again, thank you so much for taking this workshop with me. You're awesome. And please, if you have any questions, reach out to me. I always love to chat. And with that, I'm signing off. All the best going forward. Thanks again. See ya!