Current section: File Upload 4 exercises

Dad Joke Break File Upload


00:00 So this one actually stings a little bit but here we go Americans can't switch from pounds to kilograms overnight. That would cause mass confusion. I Really wish that this would happen though. Oh, please. It's such a nightmare. I am sorry

00:16 We also use the wrong term for football. It's it's not soccer, but there's an interesting history there Americans didn't mess that one up in blame our good friends the English but anyway Yeah, hopefully you get a little chuckle out of that and you get up and move around. It's good to get moving

00:36 You know check your watch make sure you're getting your steps in every every hour. You should have like 250 steps So that's a good thing to do like go I don't know go rollerblading or ride a one-wheel or something something fun Go touch some grass and then come back and have an awesome time with these exercises

00:55 So I hope that you've been having a good time and we'll see you when you get back