00:00 Hold on, I have something in my shoe. I'm pretty sure that's a foot. That was pretty good. All right, so I know that one was actually pretty quick. That may have been the only one-step exercise that we've got. I think we maybe had another one in this series of workshops. But it's actually, it's easier than it used to be.
00:21 That used to be a lot harder to do. And depending on the setup that you've got, you may require a couple more steps, depending on how you do authentication. But typically, it's just a single cookie that identifies the user, and you just emulate that. So anyway, that was a good time to take a break, do a little, you know, some stretches, jumping jacks or whatever,
00:41 and give somebody a high five, and tell them that you just wrote an authenticated test. And then feel free to go and write some more authenticated tests, and just like practice this new skill that you just developed, because that's pretty cool. And once you're all done with that, I think you can come on back, and let's learn some more stuff.