Current section: Authenticated Integration 5 exercises

Dad Joke Break Auth Integration

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00:00 What musical instrument is found in the bathroom? A tuba toothpaste. Ha ha. All right, so actually, gotta comment on that. You know, it's kind of like a trope or a meme to say that spouses who disagree on how you squeeze the toothpaste are gonna have a really hard time. They always argue about, no, squeeze it from the middle. No, squeeze it from the back.

00:19 And it's this big thing. My wife and I disagree on this. And we have two tubes of toothpaste in there. It's not like the toothpaste is gonna expire before we finish it all by ourselves. So she has her toothpaste that she squeezes in the middle, and I have mine that I squeeze from the back, and problem solved. So if that's a problem with you,

00:38 then you learned another thing today. Go buy yourself a second tube of toothpaste, and you won't have that problem anymore. All right, this is a good time. Maybe now is the time that you're gonna go brush your teeth. When was the last time you brushed your teeth? Maybe go brush your teeth and walk around, do a couple jumping jacks or pushups or something, and then come back, because we are not finished, but we're getting there,

00:58 and you're doing a great job. So you should feel proud of yourself. Well then.