Current section: HTTP Mocking 5 exercises

Dad Joke Break Http Mocking

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00:00 Did you hear about the runner who was criticized? He just took it in stride. Haha. Actually, you know, stop criticizing people. If they invite your criticism or your feedback, then that's great. But if this is a person that you have no really established relationship with,

00:18 and certainly if they didn't ask for any of your feedback, then just let it slide. Let people be the people that they are. If they ask for your feedback, then like totally let them know how you feel and all of that. Because people need to improve and feedback is important. But yeah,

00:37 lots of times it's just unnecessary to let them know all the terrible things that you think about them. So anyway, this is a good time to take a break and maybe instead of criticizing somebody, you can go tell them how great they are. So go do that and come back because we're not done.