Keep learning

You will never know everything. There will be gaps in your knowledge and understanding. It can be easy to immediately reject things which are new and unfamiliar, but do not fall into this trap. The world continues to evolve and while you don't want to be swept away by every fad that comes and goes, you should approach the new with an open and curious mind.

This will not only expand your own knowledge and exposure, but also help you make and keep friends by not getting defensive whenever something new challenges your current understanding. As your understanding crystalizes and experience increases with time and exposure, you can update your solutions and even your principles to better reflect your updated context. You avoid stagnation by re-evaluating your principles and practices. Maintain a growth mindset and don't settle with your current level of ability. Always strive to improve.


  • You hear about a new database technology that's gaining popularity for handling real-time data streams. Instead of immediately dismissing it as unnecessary, you attend a workshop to learn about its benefits and drawbacks, expanding your knowledge for when you might need it in the future.
  • Your project involves complex forms, and you're unfamiliar with React's useReducer hook. You decide to experiment with it in a side project and attend a virtual conference session on React's state management techniques, broadening your understanding and potential solutions for complex form handling.